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Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Sore throats and their different causes: The common cold, strep throat and tonsillitis

When you have a sore throat, the throat’s inner lining becomes inflamed as your body responds to a viral or bacterial infection. It becomes dry, which can make eating and drinking uncomfortable, and make your voice become hoarse. Leading consultant adult and paediatric ENT surgeon Miss Victoria Alexander take a closer look at strep throat, tonsillitis and the common cold as causes of a sore throat, as well as how to spot the difference.

An in-depth guide to sports-related ankle pain

While we love to engage in sports, both for fun and as a form of exercise, this can have an impact on the body, leading to injuries causing ankle pain. We speak to renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Hisham Shalaby, who explains what first aid measures to take for a painful ankle, when to seek medical attention for ankle pain and the available treatment methods.

Deciphering chest pain: Causes and when to seek help

Chest pain is a common symptom that can cause worry and anxiety for many individuals. While it’s important to take chest pain seriously, not all instances of chest pain indicate a serious medical condition. Understanding the possible causes and knowing when to seek medical attention can help alleviate concerns and ensure appropriate care. In his latest online article, Dr Sothinathan (Nathan) Gurunathan explores the various causes of chest pain and provides insight into when it may be necessary to seek medical help.

Mostrando resultados 360 de 6764

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