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Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

What to expect from a prostate biopsy: Expert insight

A prostate biopsy is a crucial diagnostic procedure for assessing potential prostate cancer, a concern for many men as they age. But what exactly does this procedure entail? In essence, it involves the extraction of a small tissue sample from the prostate gland, located near the bladder and urethra. In his latest online article, Mr Ashwin Sridhar explores what happens before, during, and after a prostate biopsy, shedding light on its accuracy, safety, and potential discomforts.

Fibroids: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments

Fibroids are common benign tumours that develop within the uterus. Despite their prevalence, affecting up to 80% of women at some point, the exact causes of fibroids remain unclear. In his latest online article, Mr Michael Magro explores what fibroids are, their potential causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, and treatment options. Understanding fibroids is crucial for managing their impact on women's health effectively.

MindFit: Streamlining ADHD diagnosis with online evaluations

In today's landscape, where the demand for ADHD assessments outpace available resources, individuals often face daunting waiting lists before receiving the necessary evaluation. We recognised this and created the MindFit clinic to provide an online ADHD evaluation that offers a timely solution. Tailored for those encountering barriers to accessing traditional medical-grade testing, this comprehensive evaluation empowers individuals to gain insights into their ADHD symptoms and navigate their diagnostic journey more efficiently. In his latest online article, Dr Thomas Dannhauser gives us his insights.

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The key aspects of bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery, commonly referred to as weight loss surgery, is a medical procedure designed to assist individuals in achieving significant weight loss when traditional methods such as diet and exercise have proven insufficient. If you are considering bariatric surgery, it is essential to understand the various aspects of this treatment, including the types of surgery available, potential benefits, risks, and the necessary lifestyle changes post-surgery.

Ultrasound: Redefining neuropathic pain diagnosis

Neuropathic pain is a complex condition affecting millions worldwide that stems from damage or dysfunction of the nervous system. While diagnosis traditionally relies on clinical assessments and imaging modalities like MRI, a burgeoning field is emerging: diagnostic nerve sonography. Here, Dr Andrzej Krol, renowned consultant in anaesthesia and pain medicine, delves into the revolutionary role of ultrasound in diagnosing neuropathic pain, exploring its benefits, advancements, and potential implications for future treatments.

When to consider angioplasty and stents for heart health

In the second part of his series on angioplasty and stents, Dr Dwayne Conway gives us his insights on when to consider angioplasty and stents for heart health. In emergencies like heart attacks, quick action is crucial. But for stable symptoms, there's a choice between immediate procedures and taking medication. Patients and doctors work together to find what's best. Lifestyle changes and medication can be effective too, but each has its pros and cons. Understanding these options helps patients make informed decisions about their heart health.

Mostrando resultados 350 de 6764

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