Los problemas de la respiración pueden ser causados por una serie de condiciones tales como asma, alergias, infecciones no resueltas, COPD, y una variedad de otras condiciones que se deben comprobar para.
Problemas respiratorios
Los problemas de la respiración pueden ser causados por una serie de condiciones tales como asma, alergias, infecciones no resueltas, COPD, y una variedad de otras condiciones que se deben comprobar para.
Breathing difficulties while sleeping: how can I help my child?
Por Mr Christopher Pepper
If children experience breathing difficulties while they sleep, they can suffer from a wide range of symptoms, as explained by consultant paediatric ENT surgeon Mr Christopher Pepper in his latest article below. Ver más
FAQs on Croup
Por Dr Pramod Nair
Usually, croup can resolve itself on its own. However, sometimes the condition can cause breathing difficulties, a high-grade fever or difficulties in swallowing. We spoke to Dr Pramod Nair, for the best advice on this condition and how it can be treated. We found out the answers to your FAQs on croup in this latest article. Ver más
Distinguishing between the respiratory and cardiac causes of breathlessness
Por Dr Bhashkar Mukherjee
Breathlessness, or shortness of breath, is a common symptom experienced by many people and can be caused by various underlying conditions. It is often linked to either respiratory or cardiac issues, both of which impact the body's ability to effectively transport oxygen. Understanding the differences between respiratory and cardiac causes of breathlessness is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Here to provide a detailed insight is leading consultant physician in respiratory and general (internal) medicine Dr Bhashkar Mukherjee. Ver más
Laryngeal papillomatosis - what is it and how is this condition treated?
Por Professor Martin Anthony Birchall
When the throat is infected by HPV, which is rare, it becomes a challenging condition for doctors to treat. This chronic condition is known as recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) and causes benign growths to develop on the airways. Currently, there is no cure available, but with ongoing research there may be some hope for this problematic disease. Professor Martin Anthony Birchall, a top ENT surgeon, gives us insight into this rare condition. Ver más
Doctores expertos en Problemas respiratorios
Dr Brian O´Connor
NeumologíaExperto en:
- Problemas respiratorios
- Cáncer de pulmón
- Chest infection
- Enfermedades respiratorias
- Asma
- Las enfermedades pulmonares
Dr Dan Ornadel
NeumologíaExperto en:
- Problemas respiratorios
- Tos
- Cáncer de pulmón
- Asma
- Sleep apnea
- Bronquiolitis
Dr Olga Kapellou
PediatríaExperto en:
- Neonatología
- Newborn physical examination
- Estreñimiento
- Diarrea
- Exantema
- Problemas respiratorios
Dr Muhammed Raashed
NeumologíaExperto en:
- Tos crónica
- Asma
- Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica - EPOC
- Problemas respiratorios
- Sleep apnea
- Bronquiectasias
Dr Anjani Prasad
NeumologíaExperto en:
- Problemas respiratorios
- Tos crónica
- Cáncer de pulmón
- Asma
- Enfermedades respiratorias
- Trastornos del sueño
- Ver todos
The Shelburne Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Shelburne Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Queen Alexandra Rd, High Wycombe HP11 2TR
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Top Doctors
The Chiltern Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Chiltern Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
London Rd, Great Missenden HP16 0EN
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Top Doctors
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
205 - 209 Great Portland St. W1W 5AH
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Top Doctors
The Shelburne Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Queen Alexandra Rd, High Wycombe HP11 2TR, High WycombeExperto en:
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Alergias Oftalmológicas
- Análisis clínicos
- Cadera
- Cataratas
- Chequeo Full Body
The Chiltern Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
London Rd, Great Missenden HP16 0EN, Great MissendenExperto en:
- Alergias Oftalmológicas
- Análisis clínicos
- Cáncer
- Cáncer de mama
- Cáncer de piel
- Cáncer de próstata
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
205 - 209 Great Portland St. W1W 5AH, Central LondonExperto en:
- Cirugía neurológica espinal
- Cirugía ortopédica espinal
- Cuidado de maternidad
- El embarazo
- Escoliosis
- Fecundación in vitro (FIV)
- Ver todos