¿Qué son los trastornos del olfato?
Los trastornos del olfato, también conocidos como trastornos olfativos, son aquellos que provocan un aumento, disminución, ausencia o cambio en nuestro sentido del olfato. Los trastornos del olor comunes incluyen:
Anosmia (ausencia del sentido del olfato)
Hiposmia (sentido del olfato mejorado)
Anosmia congénita (cuando alguien nace sin sentido del olfato)
Parosmia (cuando el sentido del olfato está distorsionado)
Fantosmia (cuando alguien detecta un olor que no está realmente presente)
Los trastornos del olor pueden ser temporales o permanentes y pueden aparecer repentina o gradualmente.
Trastornos del olfato
¿Qué son los trastornos del olfato?
Los trastornos del olfato, también conocidos como trastornos olfativos, son aquellos que provocan un aumento, disminución, ausencia o cambio en nuestro sentido del olfato. Los trastornos del olor comunes incluyen:
Anosmia (ausencia del sentido del olfato)
Hiposmia (sentido del olfato mejorado)
Anosmia congénita (cuando alguien nace sin sentido del olfato)
Parosmia (cuando el sentido del olfato está distorsionado)
Fantosmia (cuando alguien detecta un olor que no está realmente presente)
Los trastornos del olor pueden ser temporales o permanentes y pueden aparecer repentina o gradualmente.
Smell disorders: all your questions answered
Por Mr Thomas Jacques
There are a number of different ways in which smells can change. Some people experience a complete loss of the sense of smell, named anosmia. However, for a lot of people some sense of smell remains and it is not as sensitive as it used to be. Partial loss of sense smell is called hyposmia. Patients suffering from smell loss quite often complain of parosmia. Parosmia means there is a distortion of the sense of smell. Common things such as food, drink or perfume start to smell wrong and often quite unpleasant. Less commonly, patients can percieve smells that other people cannot smell. Sometimes they smell an unpleasant smell in their own nose due to sinus problems. Occassionally, some people begin to experience smells that are not there such as the smell of smoke when there is none at all. This is called phantosmia. With smell disorders, quite often the sense of taste is also affected. This is because most of your ability to distinguish between flavours is due to smelling the food that is in your mouth. Your tongue can only detect basic tastes like salt, sour, sweet or bitter. Less commonly, patients can percieve smells that other people cannot smell. Sometimes they smell an unpleasant smell in their own nose due to sinus problems. Occassionally, some people begin to experience smells that are not there such as the smell of smoke when there is none at all. This is called phantosmia. With smell disorders, quite often the sense of taste is also affected. This is because most of your ability to distinguish between flavours is due to smelling the food that is in your mouth. Your tongue can only detect basic tastes like salt, sour, sweet or bitter. Ver más
COVID and loss of sense of smell (anosmia)
Por Professor Carl Philpott
A loss of smell has proven to be an important aspect in detecting who has COVID-19, but how common is this symptom and who is most likely to experience it? After reading Professor Carl Philpott guidance and advice, you'll be fully in the know. Ver más
Losing your sense of smell
Por Professor Carl Philpott
Losing your sense of smell can be problematic for daily life, as well as a sign of more serious issues. Read on to find out more about this issue from top ENT specialist Professor Carl Philpott. Ver más
Loss of smell and getting it treated
Por Mr Matt Lechner
Anosmia, or loss of smell, is a condition that requires prompt medical attention due to its impact on quality of life. With appropriate diagnosis and treatment, many individuals can regain or improve their sense of smell, although some cases may result in permanent loss. In this informative article, leading consultant rhinologist and ENT surgeon Mr Matt Lechner provides a specialist's insight regarding effective management of this condition. Ver más
Doctores expertos en Trastornos del olfato
Professor Carl Philpott
OtorrinolaringologíaExperto en:
- Trastornos del olfato
- Trastornos del gusto
- Sinusitis
- Rinitis
- Congestión nasal
- Amigdalitis
Mr Deepak Gupta
OtorrinolaringologíaExperto en:
- Sinusitis
- Trastornos del olfato
- Rinología
- Trastornos de la respiración nasal
- Roncopatía
- Otorrinolaringología Infantil
Mr Thomas Jacques
OtorrinolaringologíaExperto en:
- Rinoplastia
- Cirugía funcional de la nariz
- Rinitis alérgica
- Sinusitis
- Trastornos del olfato
- Epistaxis
Mr Kristian Hutson
OtorrinolaringologíaExperto en:
- Cirugía plástica facial
- Septorrinoplastia
- Cáncer de piel
- Trastornos del olfato
- Poliposis nasal
- Rinología
Mr Robert Almeyda
OtorrinolaringologíaExperto en:
- Septorrinoplastia
- Otorrinolaringología Infantil
- Rinitis alérgica
- Trastornos del olfato
- Cirugía plástica facial
- Cáncer de piel en la cara
- Ver todos
The Ridgeway Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Ridgeway Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Moormead Rd, Wroughton, Swindon SN4 9DD
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Top Doctors
The ENT Consultancy
The ENT Consultancy
23 Craven Rd, Reading
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Top Doctors
Shirley Oaks Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Shirley Oaks Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Poppy Lane, Croydon CR9 8AB
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Top Doctors
The Ridgeway Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Moormead Rd, Wroughton, Swindon SN4 9DD, SwindonExperto en:
- Cáncer de mama
- Cirugía General
- Cirugía ortopédica
- Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora
- Cirugia refractiva
- Clínica de detección de cáncer
The ENT Consultancy
23 Craven Rd, Reading , ReadingExperto en:
- Alteraciones de la voz
- Infección en el oído
- Pérdida de audición
- Servicios para adultos y pediatría
Shirley Oaks Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Poppy Lane, Croydon CR9 8AB, South LondonExperto en:
- Cirugía General
- Cirugía ortopédica
- Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora
- Gastroenterología
- Ginecología y Obstetricia
- Neurocirugía
- Ver todos