Più di 6851 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Understanding fibroids: Causes and treatment options

Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in the uterus, affecting millions of women worldwide. Although they are common, many people have questions about their nature, causes, and available treatment options. In his latest online article, Mr Alvaro Bedoya-Ronga provides a comprehensive overview of fibroids, addressing key questions and shedding light on this prevalent condition.

The importance of ultrasound scans in pregnancy

Ultrasound scans in pregnancy create a black and white picture of the unborn baby while it’s in the uterus (womb). These scans, which are fundamental for modern maternal and fetal care, can help reassure the expectant mother that her baby is growing well. Here, Dr Spyros Bakalis, renowned consultant in obstetrics and maternal and fetal medicine in London, provides a comprehensive overview of ultrasound scans in pregnancy.

The importance of comprehensive fertility testing for couples

Before delving into the world of fertility testing, it's crucial to emphasise that fertility testing is not exclusive to women. In fact, it's a vital step for both partners in a heterosexual couple. Surprisingly, male factor infertility contributes to 30 to 40% of conception challenges. In her latest online article Dr Anu Chawla gives us her insights into fertility testing.

Recurrent implantation failure: everything you need to know

Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) represents a daunting dilemma for individuals and couples pursuing assisted reproductive technology (ART) to achieve pregnancy. Leading consultant in obstetrics, gynaecology, and reproductive medicine, with a special interest in IVF, Dr Simone Rofena delves into the potential causes, treatment options, and the psychological impact of RIF in ART.

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