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Decompression surgery to treat compressed spinal nerves

"Spinal decompression surgery is a common and routine spinal operation conducted globally. It involves removing pressure from the nerves in the spine, anywhere from the base of your head to your pelvis." Leading consultant spinal surgeon based in Cheltenham and Gloucester, Mr Alex Torrie talks about spinal decompression surgery; why it is done, what tests are done to diagnose a compressed nerve, and whether this compression can correct itself.

Degenerative spinal disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Degenerative spinal disease is a condition can cause a gradual decline in the usual function and structure of the spine. In this informative article, highly experienced and skilled neurosurgeon and spinal surgeon, Mr Venkat Iyer, offers expert insight on the condition, including its causes and symptoms, whilst also detailing the treatment options for degenerative spine disease.

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