Más de 7477 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Laser disc surgery: what is it and is it safe?

Laser disc surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is typically performed with the aim of removing portions of soft tissue close to the spine that may be causing damage to nerves. Here to provide us with a comprehensive and expertly detailed insight into how effective laser disc surgery can be for patients is esteemed London-based neurosurgeon, Mr John Yeh.

Rapid sciatica success for grandmother

There's no doubt the limitations that sciatica bring to everyday life, especially for those with severe symptoms, are physically difficult to work around. When it stops you seeing your loved ones, it can become emotionally impossible. Leading spinal neurosurgeon Mr Iqroop Chopra helped one hard-working grandmother with sciatica get back to her professional and family life with little to no waiting time. Find out about Ms Louise Kean's story, by reading on.

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