Allergy provocation test
Allergy tests are that set of tests are performed to a patient in order to establish the substance or allergen to which manifests a pathological reaction. There are three types of tests: the prick test the skin, intradermal skin test and patch test. In the first, also called prick test, a small amount of the substance being studied under the skin surface of the patient's forearm and observed 15-20 minutes if there was redness or swelling of the skin is punctured. The intradermal skin test is used to detect more specific allergies such as insects and is based on injection of allergen into the skin. Finally, the patch test allergens are applied in a tape adhered to the patient's skin for 48 hours you will see his reaction after 72-96 hours. During these tests can feel some of the discomfort of allergy, such as itching, nasal congestion, watery eyes, or skin rash if you are allergic to the substance with which he has contacted.