Dr Raj Chelliah

in Hull


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Dr Raj Chelliah areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Dr Raj Chelliah is a consultant cardiologist who will provide you with a quality and comprehensive consultation. He is an expert in assessing patients with chest pain, shortness of breath, cardiac murmurs, dizziness/funny turns, blackout, palpitations, heart failure, high blood pressure, and for risk factor management.

He is also the regional expert in aortic valve disease for a population of about 1.5 million people. In addition, he is happy to provide a second opinion, or even to talk through your diagnosis if you do not understand your condition. Dr Chelliah graduated from the University of Dundee in 2002 and went on to work in both Dundee and Edinburgh. Upon completion of MRCP in 2005, he undertook cardiac research at the University of Edinburgh for three years, before moving south to undergo cardiology training in Hull and East Yorkshire in 2009.

He is well published and has trained to a very high level of clinical competence. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Edinburgh(FRCPE) in 2022. Dr Chelliah has a keen interest in structural and complex coronary intervention, and was successful in obtaining a Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) Fellowship at Kings’ College Hospital, London. Following this, he was appointed as Consultant Cardiologist at Castle Hill Hospital in 2016, where he is currently a high-volume operator in coronary intervention, treating patients with heart attacks and stable coronary disease.

He established and lead the regional TAVI service for patients in Hull & East Yorkshire, North East Lincolnshire, and North Yorkshire. Before this, patients in the region did not have access to this advanced treatment. As the regional expert for aortic valve disease, he is keen to assess and educate patients of who have been diagnosed with a cardiac murmur or valvular heart disease.

Dr Chelliah also has an interest in medical education and training, and was well regarded as the previous Training Programme Director for cardiology trainees within East Yorkshire, previously winning the national consultant trainer of the year award. He was also the recent clinical lead for coronary intervention and TAVI for both Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) and North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG), successfully integrating services.

He has received both local and national awards in recognition of his work. He is a proud member of several national societies, including the British Cardiac Society (BCS), British Cardiovascular Intervention Society (BCIS), and British Heart Valve Society (BHVS).

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

Other information about Raj Chelliah

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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