Dr Srilakshmi Sharma

Ophthalmologist in Oxfordshire


Dr Srilakshmi Sharma areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Dr Srilakshmi Sharma is a leading consultant ophthalmologist based in Oxford who specialises in uveitis (ocular inflammation) in both children and adults, neuro-ophthalmology and medical retina. Some of the conditions she treats include uveitis, benign intracranial hypertension, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, dry eye, and headache. Dr Sharma currently practises privately at The Manor Hospital in Oxford. 

Dr Sharma leads the regional uveitis service for adults and children in Oxford, and the neuro-ophthalmology department. She is also the lead ophthalmologist for the multidisciplinary juvenile idiopathic arthritis, neuromyelitis optica, and neurofibromatosis type II services in Oxford. Dr Sharma is the chairperson of the UK Uveitis National Clinical Study Group, a national group of uveitis specialists in the United Kingdom.

Dr Sharma's research interest lies in uveitis (ocular inflammation), and she has published several publications in this field. 
She runs clinical trials in ocular inflammation and is leading a national study on hydroxychloroquine toxicity in the retina. 

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


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