Dr Penny Neild areas of expertise:
Professional statement
Dr Penny Neild is a highly respected gastroenterologist based at St George's Hospital and Nuffield Health Parkside Hospital in London. She specialises in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colonic polyps, colonoscopy, gastroscopy and dyspepsia.
She has the ability to perform the following procedures: diagnostic and therapeutic gastroscopy and colonoscopy, insertion of feeding tubes (nasogastric, nasojejunal and endoscopic gastrostomy).
Functional bowel disorders and nutritional problems are her main areas of clinical interest and she has participated in several influential national bodies such as the Royal College of Physicians Nutrition Committee, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (Nutrition Committee), British Society of Gastroenterology, Small Bowel and Nutrition Committee and acted as Honorary Secretary for the British Association for Parental and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN).
Outside of her clinical work, she ais also an Honorary Senor Lecturer at St George’s University of London (SGUL).