Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Thriving in stressful environments: causes and approaches to stress

In a recent poll from the ONS, results showed that 85% of people have found 2020 to be very stressful. Whether working at home or at the office, the majority of us will experience living and working in stressful environments at some point in our lives. Dr Sunil Rajeja is an extremely experienced consultant psychiatrist, we got in contact with him recently to discuss the best ways of dealing with stressful environments, how to thrive in them and not just survive.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS what happens session

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a safe and non-invasive procedure that can help treat depression and other forms of mental illness through the use of repetitive magnetic pulses. But which part of the body are these pulses delivered to and what would happen during a typical session? Dr Mohamed Abdelghani, one of our top consultant psychiatrists based in London explains.

Mostrando resultados 130 de 202

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