Si tratta di una disciplina che studia le diete che sarebbe meglio soddisfare una persona in base alla sua condizione o stato di salute. E 'responsabile per lo studio, il monitoraggio, e raccomandando le abitudini migliori per i pazienti, al fine di migliorare la loro salute.
Si tratta di una disciplina che studia le diete che sarebbe meglio soddisfare una persona in base alla sua condizione o stato di salute. E 'responsabile per lo studio, il monitoraggio, e raccomandando le abitudini migliori per i pazienti, al fine di migliorare la loro salute.
Gut health and its impact on insulin resistance
Dr Natasha Patel
When the gut is out of balance, insulin resistance can decrease and the gut-insulin axis may be affected. Leading endocrinologist in Esher and London Dr Natasha Patel tells us more in this informative article. Mostrare di più
Could you have calcium deficiency
Dr Rasha Mukhtar
Calcium is an essential component of every living organism, including humans. It is the most abundant mineral in our bodies and 99% of it is stored in our teeth and bones. Having a deficiency of this vital mineral can lead to significant health problems. In this article, one of our top endocrinologists, Dr Rasha Mukhtar helps us understand more. Mostrare di più
Living with fibroids: Is it safe?
Mr Mohan Kumar
Uterine fibroids, or leiomyomas, are non-cancerous growths which develop in or on the uterus. Fibroids are common, particularly in women of reproductive age, and can vary greatly in size and number. While they are typically benign and not life-threatening, fibroids can cause discomfort and complications depending on their characteristics and location. Here’s an overview of what it means to live with fibroids and what factors to consider for your safety and well-being. Mostrare di più
Food and exercise tips for people with type one diabetes
Dr Jeannie Todd
Expert diabetes physician Dr David Cavan dispels some of the popular food myths related to type one diabetes. He also explains how important it is for people with type one diabetes to understand the effects exercise has on blood-glucose levels. Mostrare di più