Dr Keith Cohen
Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry in London
GDC: 58506
Dr Keith Cohen areas of expertise:
Professional statement
Dr Keith Cohen has over 20 years experience as a specialist in Restorative dentistry at Dentexcel and London dental Hospitals. His practice involves complex restorative dentistry, which includes treatments with invisalign, dental implants, dental bone grafts, and smile makeovers.
Dr Cohen focuses on restorative dentistry, which includes treatments like root canal therapy, gum grafting, dental prosthetics (crowns, bridges, veneers), cosmetic dentistry, implants, and bone grafts. He has experience in working with major implant companies such as Nobelbiocare, Straumann (ITI), and Dentsply.
Dr Cohen has experience in techniques for gum grafting and bone grafting, broadening the range of treatments available. His expertise allows for the successful placement of implants in cases that were previously considered challenging due to jawbone issues.