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Opiniones de los pacientes
F K. Paciente verificado
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I just want to thank you for helping me! I have really appreciated your support and wouldn't have wanted any other psychologist to help me. Good luck for your future and I wish you well
T A. Paciente verificado
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Thank you for all your help with counselling. I would have never been able to do it without you. You are great
M A. Paciente verificado
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The atmosphere was relaxed and created a safe and comfortable environment for us to freely discuss our experiences and thoughts, which we don't often get the opportunity to do with our colleagues. We are deeply grateful for the dedication and effort put forth by Fern Psychology.
L D. Paciente verificado
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I learned to be happy with who I am.I am so thankful, I can't really describe it.You have reminded me of who I was, given me a sense of who I am now & opened my eyes to who I can become. Your dedication, harnessing of skills & reflection stand out.Your imprint will never leave me