Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Understanding the link: Obesity and knee arthritis

In his latest online article, Mr Muhammad Adeel Akhtar gives us his insights into the effect of obesity on knee arthritis. He talks about how obesity contributes to knee arthritis, if weight loss can manage knee arthritis symptoms, how non- surgical and surgical treatments compare for knee arthritis in obese patients, recommended lifestyle modifications and exercises and the role of nutrition and supplements.

Who is a suitable candidate for a hip replacement?

Hip replacements are often offered to patients who suffer from hip arthritis, and can offer life-changing results for those who choose to undergo the procedure. In his latest online article, renowned consultant orthopaedic Mr Syam Morapudi offers his expert insight into the procedure, including who it's suited for, the recovery time, and benefits and risks.

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